What’s flowing where and as importantly, when?

You’ve looked at your water bill and it looks higher than it should be. You know the bill is correct because you’ve had it validated by H2O or similar and you know you’re on the correct tariff but you’re using more than your normal consumption rate. Why has it gone up, how can you find the answers?

You need to investigate “What’s flowing where and as importantly when?”

And a Clamp-on Flow Metering investigation using one of Sonic Driver’s solutions with integral data logging will provide the answers, identifying where and when you’re using water on a 24/7 basis, day, night or weekend, zeroing in on unnecessary use, waste or leakages.

For investigation, surveys the Sonic Driver Pocket-Plus is a best value, simple to use tool, simply clamp the ultrasonic flow sensors onto the pipe/water circuit and see the instantaneous flow plus log the flow with respect to time, which can be viewed in an Excel spreadsheet to get a picture of your consumption 24/7, it really is that simple.